Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year (I think)

Happy New Year. Except for some reason I am not feeling particularly happy. Is it the post Christmas blahs? The Party fatigue? The cold? the recession? Hard to say but January seems like one giant Monday to me. You know those Monday's? After a great weekend, with family or friends, enjoying beautiful weather, all fun and no chores, then BAM, its Monday: back to work, school, chores, messy house, dirty dishes, piles of laundry, empty pantry (OK lets not go too far, that would NEVER happen with me) and reality hits. Christmas break is like a vacation (uh duh? mamaschnuck- it IS a vacation) What I mean is, it is like going away on vacation. Yes, I am aware lots of people travel over the Christmas holiday. But not us, we hunker down and enjoy each other and the break. And you know when you get home from a vacation, you really need another vacation to get over and recover from your vacation. I guess what I am saying is that while a New Year brings with it exciting things, prospects for change and new beginnings, it also carries with it the Monday morning of the Holidays. Kinda like a hangover. (Ahem, not that I would ever know what that is like).

So that is where I am, kinda blue, kinda blah, and not really feeling that Happy New Year feeling. I suppose all this will pass too. The excitement I will have from starting to plan the curriculum will return (I think I am gonna try Singapore Math). And I know that end of the year will have brought an enormous amount of learning and I will have new experiences to digest. Monday will turn to Tuesday and Jan will melt into February. Birthday season is about to start (2 in March; 1 in April; 1 in June). Spring will be just around the corner. Papaschnuck and I celebrated our wedding anniversary yesterday and I am going to sort through some resolutions (The obvious one: to lose the same 15lbs I lost at the beginning of last year, I'll have to add and keep it off this year. ) 2009 is going to go quickly, they all seem to speed by, faster and faster. Either way, time waits for no one and I plan to move forward, shake off my Monday blues and look ahead to the new.
I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and I hope it will be a great one.

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