Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday Happiness

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I know I did. What's not to like about Christmas? Well...there is the shopping and store crowds, the frenzied consumerism which begins shortly before Halloween. Oh, don't forget the helpful and pleasant customer service at all the stores. Hmmm... and the economy, the environmentalists, and the secular groups who have sanitized Christmas into a simple winter holiday. We won't even mention the whole untangling, bulb replacement and stringing of the lights (actually, I leave that for Papaschnuck). But besides all that, what's not to like? Presents under a tree, love, family, wonder, excitement, sparkling Christmas lights, pretty bows, screams of excitement, frenzied tearing of paper and enjoyment of gifts, given and received.

Christmas is so much fun with the kids when they believe in Santa. Santa is such a representation of childhood innocence. At our house, every year, Santa comes out the fireplace and leaves footprints of magic (fake) snow around the house. This year, he only left one footprint as I guess he has finally getting the message that the clean-up looms larger than the wonder of the discovery. I was a little nostalgic this year because Schnukie8 is, well, 8 years old (9 in six months), and this is most assuredly the last year of complete magic, where all four monkeys believe in Santa. Next year will be different. I have no doubt that Schnuckie8 would keep the secret, he always enjoys the power that is gleamed from possessing information others don't have. More concerning is, that there is a good chance that Schnuckie6 is figuring it out as well. He questioned the whole practicality of visiting every house in one night and posited that is seems an impossible feat for anyone. Oh for anyone, yes, it is impossible, I agreed emphatically, but... not for Santa because he has magic. I then quickly stammered out a rational defense that covered aspects of time travel, the theory of Relativity and a healthy dose of Santa magic. While he seemed confused he didn't reply with any further argument. (I think he decided to humor poor old mom and may approach Papaschuck in the near future.) Once he knows, it's all over. He will spill the beans to Schnuckie4 just to prove he knows more than her and it will break her little heart. He will derive so much 6 year old satisfaction from being able to prove her wrong, that he will be oblivious to the shattering of her little dreams. (well, I guess when she lands in therapy in years to come she will be brimming with all sorts of treasures for the therapist to pick over) But maybe, just maybe, the wonder that is Christmas will allow him to keep the secret and let Schnuckie4 keep that innocence for a few more years.

So, Christmas is over, New Years Eve will fade into 2009 (holy cow- where did the 90's go?) and the cold hard reality of winter and post holiday blues will come soon after. This year we have the added burdens and fears of a terrible economy, bailouts from the government growing exponentially by the day (our children's future tax burden), and my own personal fears over the erosion of the few gains made in the anti-abortion quest for the Right to Life that will occur under a new liberal president. My prayers will be that peace and joy will find our family (and all of yours). May the coming year be one filled with new adventure, new discoveries, and a renewed sense of values and personal responsibility for all. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and may Santa live on, for a while longer, in all of our hearts.

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