Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Oh so quiet.

What was I thinking? Homeschooling means the kids will be home with me, all the time.    This week I have had an unbelievable experience, I got a glimpse into what life would be like if I sent the oldest ones off to school this fall. The three oldest Schnuckies went off to cub scout camp this week with Papschnuck volunteering all week.  (8am-4pm hee hee hee).  They let siblings 4 and older attend a ‘tag-a-long’ program if an adult is participating in the festivities.  Next year I will no longer have a ‘baby’ at home and most likely will join the sweating adults herding kids around the Equestrian Center all week.  However,  this week I have been left home with Relentless, umm I mean Schuckie3. 

What a revelation it has been.  This one kid business??  Its a cake walk (now mid you I never thought so when I first had only one) going up in number of children is a progression and a learning process.  Going down however… heavenly.  I have never accomplished so much in one day since having children.  This is what my life would be like if I sent them all off to school next year.  It is tempting given the amount of things I found I was able to do in a single day.    Let me describe my first day, Monday.  I got up and had breakfast,  read the paper and got a shower and dressed. I then folded 5 loads of laundry while doing 3 more.  I cleaned up the kitchen and dining area (twice) and I mopped the kitchen floor and the dining room floor (hey I do it once a year at least).  I changed the sheets on my bed, and cleaned my bathroom.  I sealed the grout in the kids new bathroom, I went grocery shopping.  I bought $300.00 worth of groceries, brought them home and put them away.  I went to the shoe store and bought  Schnuckie5 a new pair of sneakers (which ultimately didn’t fit and had to be returned, I have got to figure out a successful way to buy kids shoes without their actual feet with me).   I cut the grass, front and back yard, and grilled chicken for dinner.  Also, I had the best treat ever, I took an almost 2 hour nap.  It was amazing.

I got so much done on Monday I decided, unlike the Lord, I would rest on the second day, and made it a point not to do anything at all except go to the gym and the pool, and take a nap. That was pretty amazing as well.

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