Saturday, June 20, 2009

School’s out….

“Schooooool’s out for summer!  Schoooool’s out for-eveah!” (Alice Cooper).

The song has been rattling around my head for the past few days.  The boys had their last day of school last week and were a bit sad, a bit excited, and overall, looking forward to having a great summer.  Schnuckie7 was a little teary as he contemplated never seeing his friends again.  Now, this is not the truth but as his best friend is moving he has been a bit teary to realize that not only is he losing his best friend but he will also no longer be surrounded by those friends he has had in classes over the past few years.  Shnuckie 9 is convinced that he will return for 5th grade after this grand experiment in homeschooling, and Schnuckie 5 has just informed me that she wants to go to ‘big school’ where the boys go, just for a year and ‘do the homeschool thing in 1st grade’.  Hmmm.  Well regardless. For at least a year school is out and we are heading on down the path we started in November.  September 1st is coming, we are a homeschooling family now.

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