Sunday, December 21, 2008

Traveling along the highways of life

It is funny how connected we have become to each other. Cell phones and the Internet have made our world smaller and more accessible. But at the same time, it can remove us from those closest to us. We often insulate ourselves from the real world by connecting into the cyber one. I bring this up as I am furtively typing away on Papschnuck's laptop. My withdrawal symptoms abating as I have gone 2 1/2 days with no computer. The "geek" who came to the house to give me an estimate on fixing the jumbled mess I made as I tried (and failed) to streamline my programs, casually informed me he needed to take my machine. Now, Papaschnuck, in his infinite wisdom, has foreseen such a scenario and warned me this could happen. This had given me at least 30 minutes to prepare and prevent a complete breakdown and embarrassing farewell scene which may have occurred. At any rate, the Saturday estimate for return has been now been pushed to Monday, thus resulting in my hijacking the laptop. The dependence that I have on the computer surprised me even as I knew it would be difficult. The first day I went to the study numerous times, to check e-mail, or google something. I would sit and no sooner touch the keyboard (which the geek had left along with the monitor, no doubt to mock and taunt me) when I would remember it was gone. My connection to others seemed tenuous. I found myself picking up the phone a few times to check for a dial tone. I made quite a few more phone calls than normal. It was a strange and learning experience and it started my thoughts about this topic.

Also contributing to my thoughts was that last night as we traveled downtown to the "big city" with all four Schnuckies in tow to look at Christmas lights, and we were stuck in a hellacious traffic jam. As we crept along 95, Papaschnuck would comment on the number of kids (yeah yeah- young adults) who were texting. As the traffic was trying to narrow down to the left 2 lanes there was one after another rear-ends accidents. How is it that a person can drive a 2000 lb vehicle along a road, in the dark, in stop and go traffic, and essentially do what I am doing now as I sit on the couch, and type away, eyes NOT ON THE ROAD???

(Now, full disclosure, I am kind of an anti-cell person. Don't get me wrong, when I want a phone to call someone, I have it (usually). I see the need when you are waiting for the pediatrician to return a call, or the school nurse needs to reach you (hmmmm that won't be an issue much longer) or, of course, and in the rare instance you need to contact your significant other because (ITS TIME TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL-COME HOME NOW!!) they are really very handy. I have a plan that I get 60 minutes a month, pay 20 bucks for it, and have only gone over my allotment once in 8 years.)

I guess I worry about the disconnection young people have from their surroundings. They go through life, connected to their friends, their facebook, their avatar, whatever, 24 hours a day. The erosion of our local interconnectedness is a direct result of our global interconnectedness. What does that do to our interpersonal relationships? Hmmmmm, I don't have the answer for that but I think I am gonna sign off now, stop yelling at the kids to let me finish this post, (my computer shakes abated for a few hours) and go give Papaschnuck a snuggle.

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