Friday, January 1, 2010

Oh! Sunny Days...

Happy new Year. I suppose this ought to be a post about resolutions, or lessons learned, or even hopes for the new year. Well, who knows maybe I'll get the trifecta in this post. It has proven to be a challenge for me to figure out what specifically to blog about over the end of last year. I feel compelled to be interesting and thoughtful, something which I was not feeling personally (particularly in December) much less 'professionally' ( if I might be so bold as to assert professionalism). In fact, I was feeling a wee bit of a failure at the end of the semester. Things were tough and I was getting a lot of resistance, and then we all had the stomach bug bout. BUT, I have bounced back and and am now looking forward. I spent the day today making some changes in curriculum, tweaking the schedule a bit, organizing my lesson plans in Homeschool Tracker; and generally making some school resolutions. I want to change things up a little: a bit more academics, a bit more fun, and hopefully teaching productively.

One big benefit to homeschooling is the flexibility to go and visit places, museums, parks, aquariums, see shows and get some hand on practical experience in life. We did no really go anywhere last year. I have resolved to do better. We are in such a great location we ought to be able to go somewhere interesting at least once a month, if not more. I have a few trips lines up already and have a couple of friends who are interested in joining us (this really helps to accomplish the difficult task of traveling out with the 4 monkeys all alone- I mean bathrooms trips alone require thought out planning). Things are just easier when you go with another adult, y'know?

So 2010 looks promising, the kids are open and excited about homeschool (they brag to their friends and speak about it positively) we are closer as a family and working together well, we have our activities lines up and ahead of us ( Pokemon club, Art Club, Co-op, gymnastics, Lacrosse to name a few). I am more comfortable and confident, have better tools and skills, and am still learning ways to improve. We will go through more tough times and low moments but I need to remember that sunshine would not be appreciated and enjoyed if you did not also have shadows. This is what I will carry through the new year. May it be a prosperous and Happy one for all.

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