Sunday, January 24, 2010

And Life Goes on

Ho hum, nothing much new,  I must admit I thought that things would be a whole lot more interesting, and I would be filled with funny tidbits and compelling life lessons as I journeyed along this homeschool road. I imagined cute anecdotes and posting words of wisdom and interest that my brilliant children spouted out. Instead, I find my life a blur of planning, scheduling, driving, teaching, cleaning, cooking, and occasionally sleeping.  I have not written much, not because I have not wanted to , but rather the fear of boring my one or two readers .  There is only so much, “we did our math on time”  and “Ben mastered the art of the using infinite pronouns” that keeps  a reader interested. Our last few weeks we have been plodding along, getting things done, amusing each other, annoying each other and  (for the most part) accomplishing our stuff. 

We are going to more field trips lately, which I did not do much of over the fall semester and think that it is the best part of homeschool.  We went to the aquarium last week and will be headed to the Visionary Art museum is this week.  I will try to get some pictures up as Matthew  may really enjoy that place.  It is hard to let go of academics as I feel I need to have Ben working harder than he is ( more is expected of him being older and I wonder if he is not learning as much as he needs to)  I have been trying to get him to read more classic books and push him a little in that department to expand his learning through reading.  He recently completed The "Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordian, and enjoyed it immensely.  Grandpa Luecke (somewhat of a Greek specialist in his own right) was actually sufficiently impressed with his knowledge of Greek mythology.  I have been trying to get another series for him.  But he just checked out “The Odyssey” by Homer (yes he is only 9)  I certainly did not discourage him as he was excited about getting it.  Let’s hope he cracks  it open and gives it a try.  I will even ease up on him if he reads it during school, something he used to get in trouble for at public school.

and life goes on…

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