Monday, January 4, 2010

Judgment matters

     PapaSchnuck, ahem, Perry has not been too pleased about my putting it all out there, schedules, names, plans, etc.  I guess I certainly understand the concern and the worry,  There are a lot of whackos in this world.  People are sick and the possibility of one stumbling across cyberspace into my lap remains a possibility.  I fear more the closer threats, the ones that come sheathed in deception those that wind into your life and then  without warning, prey on  your children.  The chances of stranger abduction or molestation, while rare, are real, but far scarier is the friend, cousin, uncle, coach, or teacher that has ulterior motives.  The ones that gain’s your child's trust then exploits it for personal gain.  It is hard to balance the fear that comes with parenting and the reality that there is evil in the world but we all must do our best.  One of the first things I taught them, was that if they get lost or separated from me, to look for another mommy to help them.  I always figure that the chances that a mother would harm them is so miniscule, they would most likely be safe.  I believe this still, and hope they always remember to look and choose help wisely.

And because I love and respect my husband,  I will try to be more conscientious about the info I disclose and I will choose my words with care.  I also hope that I will remain vigilant and involved in their lives so that they do not become prey for those that will hurt them.

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