Friday, February 27, 2009

Long Days, Short Years

Well before you know it time has flown by, even when the minutes can seem like hours. Like when you stuck at home with a bunch of sick kids (and sick me) like I have been for a week or so. Everyone is finally better and I think we have seen the end of it all. Of course even with all this home time I find I am having a hard time keeping up with my blogging. I can barely make one post a week while my goal is at least two. I guess I can keep trying. Anyway this caused me to think about Papaschnuck saying, "Long Days, Short Years". Coincidentally I looked up and realized, my sweet little baby is going to be THREE... on WEDNESDAY! Here I have been going on and on about how "oh he'll be three in a few weeks", NO! It's not in a few weeks it will be on WEDNESDAY.
I simply am not able to understand how the last three years disappeared so quickly. Actually for that matter, where the heck did the last 9 years go? My entire 30th decade is gone- poof! It was a blur of pregnancies, nursing, and diapers (lots and lots of diapers). But I wouldn't go back or change anything, I really have enjoyed every moment. Well, OK there were a few times in there where each minute wasn't necessarily cherished. I can remember hiding under a blanket in the living room while 3 children ran around me screaming, not necessarily understanding that I had strep throat and believed with every ounce of my being that I was going to die (Papaschnuck was in Washington State on business). Luckily, Grandma dropped everything and drove from 3 states away. She arrived on my door 3 hours later to save the day. But overall, probably the best times of my life thus far. There are even days where I have moments of insanity where I think, Oh I'd love to have just one more..... Of course, Papschnuck, in his infinite wisdom (and knowing me so well), handled that potential issue by visiting the doctor shortly after the last Schuckie arrived and ensured our fabulous family was complete.
Anyway, the point today is to celebrate (or try to) that my baby is getting older. At times, my heart siezes up, I get so desperate to keep them just as they are I don't want them to grow up anymore, I want to keep them innocent, young and sweet. But soon they start doing new things and I find I seeing them in a different light. We have moved on from the baby stage now, all of us. I have never had a youngest that was 3, I always had another to replace them with (babywise I mean, I wasn't trading them in or anything crazy like that). We are all learning new things and as Schnuckie2 has reached each new milestone, I see our family evolving. We are now a family without diapers, and diaper bags, no more sippy cups and plastic plates, bed rails and high chairs. Its not so bad.
So, Schnuckie 2 is now Schnuckie3 and he is a pistol. I adore him and he keeps me on my toes. An athlete for sure and a never ending force of nature. My littlest Schnuckie is growing up....... but he'll always be my baby.

And he grew

Then he turned two

And now .....



momto3munchkins said...

ok, that one picture is NOT nate...its matthew. it HAS to be matthew. the one in the white sleeper jammies ....take another look and tell me that is NOT matthew!

mamaschnuck said...

No, my dear (though I understand your mistake I often have to double check) it is Schnuckie 3 not Schnuckie6. I am positive.

G said...

happy birthday Nate,,,you the man.