Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thoughts on Running..... or thoughts while running.

Well a few weeks ago I said to PapaSchnuck, " I think I am going to run, everyday, for two weeks." (why 2 weeks? well, to be honest it, I just pulled it out of the air and it seemed like a reasonable time, too short to give up because of boredom, too long to claim temporary insanity). Well, being an experienced husband, he wisely bit his lip to keep the laughter from emerging and, rather noncommittally replied, "That's nice dear" ( OK, OK, he didn't really say that but it was something equally neutral and not very encouraging) I was expecting incredulity, or shock or awe, but got, nothing, or at least not much. (Hmm... I thought to myself, he is not saying anything because he doesn't think that I am really going to do it). Well, Monday morning rolled around and I asked him to wake me, but I was so worried about not getting up, I barely got any sleep that night, up checking the clock over and over. so at 7am I bounded out of bed and off I went. And the next day..and the next... ( OK truth is. the 3rd day I could barely walk, so while I did go out, I only ran about 25 yards and walked the rest of the two miles.) One day, the first week it was raining, and I put on a hat. I would be darned if I would give in to the (imagined) failure from PapaSchnuck. ( I have to admit, this was a very wise strategy on his behalf because I think he knew if I thought HE thought I wouldn't do it, even without saying anything, it would push me. And it did, thanks babe!)

So.. 6 days the first week and 6 days the next week ( yes, I took Sundays off, except when I swapped it for a Monday run) and the two weeks flew by. ( yeah right, the only time that flew by was the time between the actual runs. I would leave the house for 40 minutes or so and swear I had been out running for 3 hours). But time did elapse, and I was faced with 2 weeks down and now what... Well I am still figuring it out ( my new time frame is my birthday at the end of the month), but still running every day. Trying desperately not to 'miss' a day else I fear never starting again, silly, I know but I have always been an all or nothing kinda gal. And, needless to say, I have worked my run up to 3-4 miles a day an, consequently, have some time on my hands.....err feet, to think a bit. The primary thought every morning is, "Who the hell would ever do his willingly?" ( yes I KNOW that I am doing it, not under any coercion, but I do not consider it doing it willing, more a ....necessity.... to prevent myself from gaining any more weight, since I have proven time and time again, a complete and utter inability to control my eating ( remember that all or nothing kinda gal? I have got to keep up the exercise. Homeschooling removed my 5 day a week workout down to 2 and that is not good for my figure.)

So I have pretty much concluded that that......running sucks. Excuse my vulgarity, but the only thing that I have found, so far, about running that is good, is when it is over. I do it because I must and believe it or not that has freed up a great deal of willpower. There is a freedom in realizing, I do not have to like it ( or even love it) but I do have to do it. I have not (yet?) experienced that 'high' runners talk about or the joy or anything remotely redeeming about it. Well, except for the fact that I dropped 5lbs in 3 weeks without changing my diet at all, poof- 5 lbs gone.. ( well not poof exactly but hey).. So the decision to just do it ( sorry Nike) , and the weight loss makes it just a little bit better to lace up, get out, and lumber on down the road one more morning.

Next post: the analogy between (or is it metaphor about?) running and homeschooling .....or maybe not.

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