Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Joy of Field Trips

Academy of Natural Sciences

Nothing philosophical today simply a sharing of the joy that is the field trip. I did not take advantage as much last year and have been trying to make up for lost time. We went up to the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia on Friday ( near to the more well known Franklin Institute) and while small and easily seen in a few hours we had s great time. The kids were able to see the Dioramas of the animals ( moose and lions and bears and stuff) and best of all we spent quite a bit of time in the butterfly room. It was really fun to see all the different varieties, look at them eat. and they were everywhere, the walls and floors ( we had to tread carefully), so many colors and sizes. Jenny and Matthew semed to enjoy it the most. They also got to spend time a room called "Outside IN" with some live animals, animal bones, and hides, lots of things to touc and explore. Puzzles to do and all sorts of creepy crawly things to touch and see.

McFadden Glass Blowing

Then yesterday we went to a glass blowing shop, small and quaint in the garage of a guy. 20 active homeschoolers attended and everyone got to make either a pendant or a marble. And yes, they allowed the 4 year old monster ( aka Nate) to actually use a rod to get molton glass, and (with help ) pick colors and form it into a marble. Jenny got to make a pendant and I have to say, Really was one of our best field trips ever. No way would they ever do this in public school.

First they got the molton glass out of the furnace, then dabbed it in the additional colors they wanted. After placing it back in the rewarming furnace, they then they rolled it on a table, back to rewarm, then using the tongs, formed it into the shape and then knocked it off the rod. After placing it in insulation to cool, the rod goes into to barrel to cool off which pops off the extra glass from the rod. After 15-20 minutes the marble is cool enough to handle and the nub gets ground down to make it all smooth. It really was fun and different. This is the stuff that makes homeschooling worth it.

Fabulous Days.

1 comment:

G said...