Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hey, it's almost time for school.

hey, hello, how ya doin? Miss me????? Whew, how quick those 3 months went. Can I pretend that it was all a big plan to take time off and get rest and refresh myself? no?..... OK, truth be told, we took a few weeks off that simply was so delightful that it turned in to a few months. School got wrapped up and grand plans were made to continue through summer but reality hit me smack in the face and I realized that I really really wanted a break. so I took it. And it was simply lovely to do no planning, or database or cajoling, or begging, yelling (well..... I did do that), pleading and correcting. So....... instead, we have been camping, swimming, playing, sleeping, watching TV, cleaning, organizing, and overall having a terrific summer.

Now we are (almost) ready to begin anew. All four Schnuckies are signed on for homeschooling and, despite Ben's grand plan to return to fifth grade, even he has signed on for another year ( "But, mom, I'm going back in middle school really") I have decided ( as I sit here planning and organizing for the start of the new year) that I ought to dust off my blog and do my best to keep it updated for the one or two of you that I have managed not to lose in my unannounced absence. I feel very different going into my second year and am kind of excited to see how we progress. I know that I have learned a lot and will be making the changes from last year. I hope we all get through it positively and productively (and have a bunch of fun too).

so with two fully grown puppies now, and a new kitty, I have a Pre-K, 1st grader, 3rd grader and 5th grader. and away we go.....

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