Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wow! We are almost done, or are we?

Almost done…ha.…besides the years looming ahead of me, besides the endless questions and infinite curiosity, finished if you don’t factor in the idea that we are only a tiny inch along in a miles long journey. Finished if you read that laced with heavy sarcasm.  Finished as a mere temporary measurement as the finish line is malleable and continually expanding. But I digress.

Wow, we are almost done with the year.  Our first year has been a fun, frustrating, fantastic, fundamental, filling, fabulous, fearful, ferocious, and fantastical feat. ( How is that for alliteration?)  It is hard to believe that we are in May, and wrapping up the academic year.  I have struggled regarding the decision as to whether I ought to continue through the summer or take it all off.  I’m hedging my bets and letting the kids know we will be doing some work but being deliberately vague.  All in all I would classify this as a very successful year  We had some pretty low points, and a great deal of aggravation and frustration at times, but we also had joy, and learning , and curiosity and accomplishments and progress, and most of all, we had fun!  Much more fun that I would have thought ( much more work than I would have imagined as well, now that I mentions it ) but I can honestly say, I think that it was a success. 

Academically, the kids have made progress.  Matthew is almost done with 2nd (Singapore) and 3rd (McRuffy)grade Math curriculum.  He has progresses a year and a half in Language Arts Grammar. A academic year of spelling, handwriting, science, and 2, half years of Science ( Life and Chemistry) and a whole lot of reading. Ben has completed 4th grade Singapore math, a mish mash of 3 different grammar programs, ancient history and spelling, handwriting, ( the 2 half years of) Science, reading, reading, and more reading.  Jenny, (I have to say this makes me the most proud) learned to read. ( I mean really, she can read – pretty well) It tickles me to no end that I taught her this, and it was worth every pout and while and complaint and tantrum.  I can now say…My daughter can read.  She also is most of the way through a 1st grade math curriculum (McRuffy).

They all both got excellent art instruction at my co-op, and Ben even got some karate training and Nate was even able to have some of a pre-school class, though I need to work more with him as he still has not mastered his letters…( but he knows the capital of Nebraska).

All in all, success.  However, I am still working furiously on how to post more here on the blog, as my ability to be witty, insightful, concise, and intelligent seems to be more and more rare and I hate to prattle along with no message or story line…as I seem now, to be doing. 

So, a few more weeks and then….plans for summer.

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