Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Stick a Fork in Me!

So, things are going well but I find that by the end of the day, certainly after dinner has been put away and cleaned up I am DONE! Absolutely finished with the patience and love and kindness I try my best to be (hold on let me yell ay my daughter for coming in to ask me a question “ Be quiet I am busy now, can’t I do anything without interruption? grrrrr”) Ok I am back . Where was I??? Darn it keeping a thought in my head is harder than keeping snacks in the pantry. Patience has never been my strong suit but I am doing my best to try to exude calm and patience all day but by the end of the day I am tired and want to just gather my thoughts and have some quiet , ‘me’ time. It is complicated because Tuesday-Thursday Perry ( OH, I forgot to ‘out’ him on my last post huh? well you got me, PapaSchnuck’s Christian name is: Perry) coaches the boys in soccer and Monday and Friday are scout meetings. That means I have Nate and Jenny all the time and after a rushed and scrambled dinner off a few go and here I am and, because I am human, I get weary of it. Fall has always been challenging but I guess I am thankful that the ‘get off the bus, hurry do your homework and open your mouth as I shove food down your throat to get practice at tonight ‘ is not happening anymore, the rush just seems to start at breakfast now…

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