Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I was getting out of my car the other day at a store, parked next to another minivan (I know people have baggage with minivans but what other vehicle can carry 5 kids or a couple of sheets of plywood?? Come on, it really is the perfect, albeit ugly, vehicle) But I digress, so I happened to look into the front seat of the van next to me ( yes, yes, yes, I am a Nosy Nellie as well, but you would be amazed at what people leave in plain sight in their cars), and stuffed into the drink holder was a handful of wilted dandelions. I myself just tossed a couple of butter cups and those purple lawn flowers out of my car an hour earlier. I had to smile as it is a spring ritual. I will always take them happily as it will only be a few more years till it stops completely. The kids get such joy out of picking the dandelions. Their bright faces beaming as they hold those flowers out are so pure and sweet and have a look of such selfless joy and pride. A task and accomplishment that is all self directed.

I forget about this annual giving process every year until one of my monkeys toddles up to me (well OK they are not really toddling anymore but I'm painting a picture here) and holds out a grubby little hand clenching a handful of broken dandelions to me. "Here mommy, for you." (Now the white ones are never shred they get blown but the yellow are for giving. I take them with joy even when I am bogged down with the carry bag, gym bag, roll mat, lunch box, glitter picture still wet with glue, a juice cup, a water bottle and my keys.

Here's to all you moms out there we have an impossible yet fabulous job, and while it is most often under appreciated, here's to hoping you get a handful of weeds this year.

Happy Mother's Day

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