Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Where does the time go?

I have a new appreciation for working mothers.  I always knew that it would be difficult to manage everything and do all that I used to.  The reality is, you can’t. There is no possible way to put more time into the day and so, things get dropped (like housekeeping and my blog).  I had heard that I might need to adjust my expectations but am having a hard time actually doing it. Cleaning has been relegated to the weekends, and with 4 kids that makes life infinitely messier. I don’t like it but have yet to figure out how exactly to deal with it.  We are experimenting with different strategies, all involving various violations of child labor laws. 

As for blogging, I have taken a month off after promising to write more frequently and so I feel rather foolish making  another statement regarding my intentions to do better.  Suffice to say, lets try again, If I make more frequent but shorter posts, which is the goal, I may be able to find more success and not view it as a chore as I have been.  I find that I so enjoy the writing process and often feel the need to be profound that I put off and put off my writing, to try to think of the perfect post and then find the energy to compose it, that I decide it is too much effort and never blog about anything anymore.  It is so much easier to think, “ Ahh, I’m tired now , I’ll do it later.”  So, if I just try to find one thing, every day to comment on (or maybe a few times a week) then perhaps I can find the balance between brevity, interest and ease of posting.  So lets give it another go shall we?

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