Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So.... How Is It Going?

"Terrific" I say because you know what? It really is. Funny, I thought this process would be one that I find that I endure but am discovering that I am actually enjoying myself. Don't get me wrong: Jenny has quite the whine, and Nate is oh so troublesome, and Ben? doesn't like to get anything wrong ("Its not my fault!!!") as for Matthew- tears and utter despair when confronted with problems he doesn't understand. BUT, overall, we do our work, they vie for attention, they all talk at once, we use our computers, we pile in the car and go shopping or playing, or to a group or a meeting or the library and.... we like it.

The planning is cumbersome but the ease of the tracking software and responsibility they take when they input their work and keep their reading logs up and schedule their days, makes it worth it. Overall, they seem to be getting along better, and are happier (most of the time). It helps that they are getting enough sleep (I rarely wake a sleeping kid for school they just lose out on free time before lessons) they are monitored closely and we solve problems quickly. The umm, negative.. influences of public schools are gone, and they need to rely on each other to help clean, work, play... this helps them bond. In fairness, they get on each other's nerves, (and my own) and bicker frequently. But overall, there has been a lot of laughter in the house.
Mostly, I feel very free (but busy busy busy). I like to be able to move things around when I want, cancel lessons and go fly a kite when the weather is perfect (something we did and it was the best homeschool day thus far- a week or so ago). I wish I did more of that actually, but I find we are going out so much I try to make them have work hard (academically) Mon-Thursday, as we have co-op on Fridays (so no math or Language Arts or grammar on those days- just Phys-Ed, Art, Music, and Science). And on Tuesday and Thursday we go to the gym in the am and so we don't even start lessons until the afternoon, that is tougher for them. Morning is so much better for book work. Mostly the problems I have are my own issues, my failings at teaching, learning the wrong way how to motivate a frustrated child, losing my temper because they are being silly. Mostly, I hope to be more creative with lessons to chow them that sometimes learning is actually fun. I know that I am learning an awful lot (hello prepositions!) and I really am, having fun..

It has been almost a year since I made a decision about this.... much different than I thought it would be, but in a good way. I hope it continues.

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