Thursday, September 16, 2010

Running around Homeschooling

I have been thinking a lot about homeschooling and running, and the parallel between them. For me, I approached both of these insane ideas with the same sort of resolute trepidation. OK, this is something that you must do, it is in your (and the kids) best interest. It will be something that you just have to endure.... and with both, I was surprised to discover, not only that I CAN do it, but there are benefits that I actually enjoy, and ( dare I say) that it is sometimes

Now, there are many days that I simply would rather have a bikini wax than homeschool. I sometimes ponder the desire to skip a day ( or week) and just goof off. But, I gear up and settle everyone down to do as they should, and I slide into the familiar and BAM, before I know the day is done and we have accomplished everything that was scheduled ( well, more or less, I mean I am not Anne Sullivan). How does this happen? Besides simple ( ha ha- simple?) will power, I attribute this to a few things, I am getting better at motivating and scheduling the kids. They know what is expected, I have rewards and consequences and it is our routine. Also, I have great hubby who wants this for our family. While he doesn't necessarily know the day to day drama, he is glad I am doing this and allows me to freak out about it every now and then with love, support, and encouragement. I have the benefit ( and consequence) of being with my kids almost all the time, I really, really know them (and they me) the good, the bad, and the ugly. We have fun, we laugh, we play, we discuss the grammatical ways in which to use the word "fart" ( Did you know that "farting" is a present participle?). Also, I find that my kids have a fun knowledge of the obscure, are serious about reading, enjoy different experiences, are confident, are kind ( well not always to each other), and generally they are pretty good kids.

Now running, again, lots of similarities, I rarely want to do it ( but will admit that I have caught myself looking forward to it, once). I get up, get dressed, I put on my sneaks, and head out the door. Usually I am operating on routine, as I want nothing at all to do with crawling out of bed. ( Have I mentioned my pride at being a night owl and morning hater?) All the while, I am quietly being negative about it all ( hmmm lowering expectations?) convincing myself that today I am not going to run far, that I am never going to make it all the way this morning, that it is OK to slack a bit once in a while, that perhaps today I will walk some hills instead of running 4 miles. etc. etc. etc. But I start and then, BAM before I know it, its done. How does this happen? Well, same things, I am getting more conditioned and my body is able to achieve more ( and feel more, as the almost 42 year old knees seem to be giving me some trouble lately). Also, I have a supportive husband who praises my efforts, encourages me to keep at it, and balances the right amount of neutrality to my negativity and positive support to my enthusiasm. Finally, I also have a running partner, who I, quite literally, ran into one day. And as we had the same schedule and pace, we seemed to fall into a nice routine which sometimes proves to be the little extra I need to get out there and get going in the morning.

So, like all things that matter, achievement and success require patience, diligence, commitment, and much of the time, not too much heavy thinking. Blind adherence to routine can carry you pretty far and before you know it....You have Will Power. Will power is earned and comes not from magic fairy dust being sprinkled down from above, but from doing it, day after day. It is important to remember that when it really comes down to it, I only have today, and I had better get up, get going, and do what needs doing because you never know what tomorrow will bring....well, besides another 4 miles and a heavy school schedule.

Now if only I had the will power to blog weekly....

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