Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Schnuckie9

BenLSchnuck Well, the end of birthday season has finally arrived.  After a very late night sleepover with a few of his friends, my sweet little boy, my oldest has turned NINE!  I almost cannot believe that he is close to double digits.  DSC00006

This boy came into the world,(fighting hard to stay in) all 9lbs 11oz of him, and made me a mother.  My life hasn’t been the same since.  He was my serious kid.  The one who didn’t smile much at all, but now jokes and laughs and had just begun to appreciate the subtly of humor.  The child who watched the world to figure out how to do things and when he decided to do them off he would go.  Standing at 6 months old, pulling up and walking at 7 DSC00060months old, and off and running by 9 months.  He is a smart and creative kid.  He is a caring, loving boy who, thankfully, still enjoys snuggling with his mother (but I never told you that) I am blessed and proud to have him as a son.   june06 013

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Chmas pics and leaves 018





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