Thursday, March 5, 2009

When You Know Better...

Been thinking about some of my favorite quotes. Possibly one of the best is "When you know better, you do better". (Credit to Maya Angelou). It really is a little gem of of a quote. It lacks judgement, permits prior error but, gently lays down the line for you to cross over to wisdom. It is a simple way of explaining away the mistakes of your past, and moving you into a realm of enlightenment. In other words, it lets you let go and move forward. Serious and frivolous transgressions are both equal with these little pearls and it is appropriate to be used in every situation. It often pops to mind for self and others and I use it often.

Do or do not there is no try (Ok I do not often quote little green fictional creatures but come on, what a great one, thanks Yoda). Now, I happen to place great value in always trying your best, no matter your result. But I think that this has a good lesson to it. I think what is meant by this is that in the end, you will either do what you say or you won't (Hmmm that wasn't very brilliant. let me try again). In the end, trying amounts to nothing, it is either the success or the failure that will be remembered and have the impact. There is simplicity and truth to that and I think that it can help propel us to finish what we start or work at it until it is done.

Another one of my favorites is, "It is what it is" Such a cute little bundle of words, it even appears kind of balanced when you look at it on paper (or onscreen). Better yet, it speaks volumes. How often do we spend time wondering and wishing away whatever the truth is. The what if's and if onlys that we agonize about. It's all pretty useless to waste time on that what matters is what HAS happened and what you will do now. If we can accept that 'It is what it is' (whatever the is may be) then it is possible to move forward and maybe even do better now that you know better.

Since I felt this post was a little wanting I did a search for good quotes (I love Google) and found this one which says so much, so simply, which, I think, is the perfect definition for a quote,

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny
. (Lao-Tze)

Pretty powerful stuff, I think, and a kick in the pants for personal responsibility, something that often seems to be lacking these days.

Finally, Ben Franklin has tons of quotes but I like this one a lot: "Well done is better than well said". In other words, 'Actions speak louder than words'. Every parent can attest to the fact that 'kids will do as you do not as you say'.

OK now for a couple of fun ones:

"If you don't have anything nice to say, come over here and sit next to me". (Clarise, Steel Magnolias)

"Silence is Golden but Duct Tape is silver"(anonymous) a recent addition to my funny favorites

Better to seek forgiveness than ask permission. (But don't tell my kids that one)

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