Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lessons Learned

Since I have been feeling philosophical I thought I would make a list of some of the pearls of wisdom I have learned from others and myself along the way. In no particular order:

  • Never, ever, dress a toddler in a white shirt.

  • When someone starts the sentence with "No offense, but..." they mean offense.

  • Family is the most important thing. Money doesn't even come close.

  • If everyone had to put their picture and phone number on the outside of their cars people would be a whole lot more courteous to each other on the road. Pretend it's there.

  • A child will do almost anything for a piece of candy.

  • No matter how hard you try, you can never make a person change, they must want to and do it on their own.

  • Hitting is never the best solution for solving conflict.

  • Forgiving someone else may help them but ultimately it helps you more.

  • Anger is the most destructive emotion to a relationship, especially unresolved anger.

  • Once you realize no one is perfect (including yourself) the pressure is off.

  • When you know better, you ought to do better. (credit to Maya Angelou).

  • Learn how to say "no" politely and firmly when faced with something you don't want to or can't do. Believe it or not people will still think your a nice person.

  • That said, help out whenever you can, we all can do more for others and it really does make you feel better.

  • Failing to make a choice or decision is making a choice or decision.

  • Willpower does not come raining down from above like magic fairy dust, it is something you earn by working towards it every day.

  • If you are not there for your friends, they will not be there for you.

  • You are not raising children, you are raising future adults. (OK, I know that was Dr. Phil)

  • People want to help out when others are in need, but often do not know what to do, if you know what you need- ask and be specific.

  • Mistakes are powerful lessons for learning, do not waste them.

  • Learning about yourself and why you are/do/think the way you are/do/think ought to be required for every person starting at age 30.

  • If you empty yourself into others you will be left with nothing, do not forget to nurture yourself.

  • No matter how big the mistake, you can always make it better (maybe not fix it, but certainly make it better).

  • Pick your spouse very carefully, especially if you want to have children. It is important for husband and wife to parent their children consistently.

  • If you say you are gonna do, you better do it.

  • Most emotions originate from fear, pain or love. The trick sometimes is to figure out which it is.

  • Kids are able to understand much more than they are able to articulate.

  • Money really can not buy happiness, (though it does buy some really fun stuff).

  • You see the world differently when you become a parent.

  • Time does not heal all wounds, but it gives you an opportunity to learn how to deal with it.

  • There is no greater thing in the world than snuggling in bed with a small child when they are sleepy.

  • Manners are important, say "please" and "thank you". Try to say them sincerely, people notice.

  • Lying never leads to a positive outcome. Honesty really is the best policy.

  • Being trustworthy is an under appreciated trait, value it more.

  • Remember your children learn their lessons more from watching you than from listening to you.

  • Love should never be destructive.

  • When you need to apologize do it face to face make sure you actually say the words "I'm sorry".

  • Do not wait on your Life "to-do" list. One can never be sure how long you have left.

What fun that was, I whipped these off in no time. I try to live by these and to teach my kids these values but I'm sure there are tons more. We all need to try harder to be better, it makes the world a better place. Feel free to add your own in comments.


momto3munchkins said...

I can't believe you didn't add "it is what it is"!!!!!

momto3munchkins said...
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