Monday, November 9, 2009

"It's too Hard; It's too Much; I Don't Want to Do It."

Well, I never thought it would be going so well but I must say I do get a bit of push back from the kids at various times. The top three complaints are detailed in the title of this post and the children are so able to attach a particular whine that makes the phrase stretch into next week all the while, driving a nail through my head. I have learned it is useless to try to convince them that it is NOT too hard, or too much and that I don't particularly care much about their motivation as long as the work gets done. So, I have adopted a rather novel approach which seems to work relatively well, I simply tell them "OK" and leave them be and move on to something else with someone else. Just like in a store when you walk away from the tantrum it miraculously stops. And likewise, these complaints dry up, tears stop, and eventually the books open up and work commences. I know that there will be a day where my bluff is called and then the consequences of 'no nothing' ( no TV, computer, video games, snacks, desserts, etc) until it is done will ensue as the day progresses but for now, the mere lack of an argument and the knowledge everyone else will finish and they will be left to keep working is enough pressure to bring them back to the table.
Today is a mixed day, we've had some resistance but are moving through our work very well. (Fingerprint Lab was a big hit) We have a few errands to run and the weather is too nice to be inside all day so I will toss them out in the backyard for a bit.
Then it is laundry time, I need to catch up on some I neglected over the birthday weekend. Its just that I don't want to do it....

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