Sunday, July 24, 2011

Still alive, still homeschooling, still have four kids

Still married to the best dad and most wonderful husband. Still busy, still tired, still trying to get the house clean, the kids to activities, the groceries bought. Still trying to conquer the challenge that is laundry. Still running in the mornings (most), napping in the afternoons and staying up far later at night than I ought to. Still trying to make it to the gym, the pool, the playground, the library. Still cooking most meals, leaving the dishes for the husband and yelling at the kids to put their toys away. Still reading as much as I can, eating more than I should and complaining as much as I am able. Still plugged into the iPod, the laptop, the TV or my bed. Still correcting the dogs, tossing the cat off the counter, reminding the boys to water their guinea pigs, and checking on the various fish babies. Still driving the minivan, the monstertruck, and occasionally my bicycle. Still showering myself, bathing the kids, and mopping up after the pets. Still trying to keep in touch with friends, posting on Facebook, and yapping on the phone. Still getting the mail, learning to text, and trying to figure out my new smartphone.


In other words, I am still me, still doing everything but blogging. Nice to be back after a 7 month, who knows how well I will do but I am always willing to try again. We are gearing up for Year 3 of homeschooling and given the evolution of our experiences, I figured I had better give a attempt at trying to document it. Not sure if there is anyone left out there still reading but feel free to comment on anything or send me a question or idea to blog about…after all, everything is still the same and I am still trying to be creative, interesting, and astute, and still struggling with it all.